Wednesday, December 30, 2009

political science class........


asal pegi klas poli je,mst rase nak tulis blog...hahahaee...satu-satunye kelas HS tunggal dan terakhir for subjek intro...memegang title compulsory...  klu xde title tu,mintak mahap la nak amik...politik...hmmm,not rely my fevret...sory tiniey,belle...hehe... poli class adalah setiap ari isnin and rabu pukul 3.30-5 sbb my lect mmg gemar amik xtra time...dan sy rase agak mnyampah disitu...everytime kene ryshing from IRK building to EDU yg jaraknye kinda far jgk slalu msk klas agk lewat 5minit..sbb tula de rase halal je wat xtra 10 minit tu...huuh...

n d other day, monday la..nak cerite ni,i hv sorg minah nye pon dkt2 same wif my name...juz tukar L jd R..oki..hehee...same klas irk wif me...n other 2 klass...but we nvr xtually talk...i think she`s my junior mcm  matured,.juz after irk klas slalu kuar awal dan memecut ke kls poli rite b4 me along wif diz sorg terkial-kial  ak cek bjalan ke kls poli tesebut...but most of da time,i arrived first b4 diz two....hahahahah*tertawa kebanggaan*WHY?becoz i`ve think of a route...a shortcut so dpt save mase...i hate to be late...huuu...agk jenoh jgk la memikirkan route yg took xtra effort to think bout it u,,mlihatkan keadaan itu,minah ni x dpt brtahan lg..make one day she asked me....sis,u ikot mane slalu cpt smpi...hahahahahaahh*tertawa bgga ke2*..then i xplained to her da route...x kesah pon..bgge lg pas xplain pon de mcm konpius+blur...ha pape jela..but she said nothing then..perlu diingt bhw she`s myb my jr. make blom arif wif simpang siur here at iiu dimane sy sdg cube mnguasai stiap shotcut yg blh tercipta..building disini adalah saling connected mcm underground tunnel..kgkdg x pyh bwk payong pon korg blh slamat frm getting tgk building jgk la oki... poli klas nk dibuat crite diz minak pon like pandang2 kt ak..ade hutang ke kak?hehe..i know her intention make me juz tsenyum kmbing..sepertinye de nak say sumthin to me,but she didn`t..then sum1 tegor de n she stop so i juz move on...suddenly i heard her voice semi-whisper ikot dia2...ok...hmmmmmmm....follow me then...i walked slowly dr usual...mcm stengah menghalalkn pbuatan mreka x spenohnye rela..anda harus paham konsepnye disitu ok...rela tapi x rela..=D...apekah?so as we almost arrived i heard she said to her fren..."ko ingt jln ok...."ooooohhhhh...i shud hv send dat route jd harta intelek n get paten....i feel like kinda x sronok la since dorg da taw my secret route..yakni nex time bakalan kne tggl dgn dorg...datang lmbt...*menyampah*..n d ader reason coz dorg like x mtk izin to follow me...wat de neuk la...if dey did asked me to show dem da route,i`ll be more than glad to show dem...bgga le jgk kan.  but since dey kinda like i dunno pirate cetak rompak my route..ok not my route la.uia agak tkilan disitu...big deal lyn...small matter pon nak kecoh...isk3....oh manusia~

Let me talk a lil bout my poli lect..his name is Adams Osiaka Abiodun from Nigeria....n today de pakai blue stripped shirt wif flowery tie..wth?nsb bek match..hihihi...n yes he`s pak itam n baldy...any1 intrested?,black is beautiful bak kate ex miss slang,oh my lord plez hv sum mercy..hooo..dahsyat amat..keep using vocal O,A, pronunciation jd so diffren la...`st day class wif no slide,my jaw dropped dek krane terpesona dgn slang nyer..hehehehe..spatah haram pon xpahem..ok nmpk sgt mnipu..paham sikit2 i suspek  he still study kot  ..coz xde ofis sndri n pki stdnt pnye matrik kad..mgkinkah ade yg lucky dpt blaja sklas dgn lect.hoo meraban je..nex eviden de masih digelar bro time mass gath...he`s kinda ok lar in terms of knowldge..his teaching skill..?masih perlu diblasah..i mean diasah..~de slalu xplain used things dat hapen worldwide make kami yg jahil ni gagal memberikan feedback yg bgs..sering kali bdiam diri mcm bendul n biar plaja mendominate diskusi=debat.....sbnarnye our klas supposed to be dgn local lect tp malangnye ditukar plak..hmmm udah nasib badan...

mreka agk dasyat..agak ramai mrupekan advance speaker in english...bckp bi wif slang n smooth flow...gosh sgt jeles diri ini...even sum of dem r locals...hmmm...n des diz 1 grup of ferener+local de 1 yg slalu dominate klas wif question..leader adelah sorg minah ni come sumwhere from europe but not scandavania country..mybe frm dutch kot...her name,amina..dat y i kol minah..haha...obviously de mmg mmpnyai wide range of tipikal forener,ade byk soklan n statemnt utk diutarekan...mmg x blh lwn..othr coutry in dat class like vietnam,thai,mldives,iran,dutch,sri lanka etc...frankly,kdg2 rase lemas mlihat keaktifan mreka,level of thinking n so on..apesal manusia klu nk compare diri smede dgn yg plg terok so rase superior xpon dgn yg plg bgs...wat 4...?huhuhuhuh...klu la dgn komplen,mngomel2 dpt slesaikan msalah kn bgs..mke akn bglimpgn msyrkt yg x buat krja lain slain mengomen2 n hidup bukan angan2 ok...let`s move on...

ahha~about to blow out my own personal yg best dat class ade sorg mamat ni...mat saleh la sng cite...but he`s a dutch 4 exact.....n slalu kwn dgn si minah td..jeles seh..kakakka..i dunno his name..huhuhu..but i always look at him,jeling2 intai2...why?am i in la..juz suke nk pndg2...ingt one day nk bring my othr fon n snap his pic...dr jaoh la...hik3...dpt sparoh pon jd basically he`s my crush..for now x segile a few yers back wif my 1st eva class,,mase secondary skoooll..oooo dat 1 i`m so in love noo noo in crush wif him...evrythg he do evrywhere he go my eyes not me ok will follow funny mengenang nostalgia it`s been a while since i hv crushed on sumbody...for real..i think i saw him diz morning mkn sorg..awww teddy judging from his look nmpk cam lonely n doesn`t fit in...y my dear?ow poor boy.......let me ease ur pain.... hik2..ya rabbi miangnye lyn zawawi..hohohoho~but i`ll keep watching him for d rest of diz sem...hahaahahah <3

i HATE it??tp x kire btape bencinye anda pd this won`t go away..mcm lintah yg mlekat smpi de puas isap darah free?hmmmmm,analogi yg agak merapu isn`t,it`s a group asgmt coz lect mls nk mark solo asgmt..huhuh..bgs pon...our politics bckgroun btwn communist n islamic world..lbih kuang la..halal ak kne cri info bout comminist stelah di urge oleh pndgn maot group mmbr...hoho..i`l,l try my k..kudos lyn...hehe..pantang maot sblm ajal...agi idop agi grupmate.ade sorg local...she`s quite ok la...antra geng si minah yg mndominate klas itu...akk 2 org ni plak aiseh mmg terrer,not so much...writing je lbh..haha...sib bek x dpt grup 9..kmmm,coz it`s my teddy bear grup n dat gal yg copycat my sipi...neway..i`ll try my very best to complete d task..~~

rasenye da puas merapu pjg2 kat sini...nak mlantak mi bandung sambil tgk funniest home video...


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

juz another day.........

assalamualaikum w.b.t.
salam 1 malaysia
berita RTM...huuahaahaah *kerapu kejap*

my,not so much things hapen...xde pape yg menarik beno nak dikongsi...berikut adalah rentetan aktiviti aku utk arini


harap mklum sy puase arini...ganti ke sunat?ooopps victoria`s pas siap2 memulekan lgkah ke kelas..klas kat mane,kt IRK L5..klas ape?Revelations as the source of k/ldge aka RASOK..wat a beatiful agk tlewat maka mlangkah dgn derasnye..smpi2 rupenye klas still bkunci...huuuh,buang karen je jln laju2..then mamat ni dgn baiknye took d key n unlock da class..then lect2 pon join kami tkedek2 msk klas..well,today we learn..errrmm..frankly,i dun get anythg..diz subject require us to think n i`m pretty darn suck at thinking..much better wif objctive n,i sat at d back,far back behind a female forener...bkn nk kutuk but she`s kinda tall,blocking my view kat skrin..dala cek ni pendek..ish2..pastu.dtg plak minah 3 org ni...kinda late dorg dok kt blakg..near me..1 forener obvious;y becoz she`s a black woman~no offence...d othr 2 org x sure r..sorg tu mcm local tp cam pretend jd intrntional gamaknya..sukati ko la labu...3 of dem...annoys me lor...bising tol..mngekek2 giggle..dat black lady..hmm purfect bi,cm slang US..but not sure lah..wth dorg ni bising,cam ngutuk2 sikit my dearest lect..local man obviously dr not so power tp ok la..not to mntion udah bgelar dokter..dun play2 si..wat de neuk wif diz a`rifu..diz gals,forener dlm klas amatlah aktif dikomparekan dgn local students...perhaps becoz mreka mmg diprovoke utk bfikir sjk dr mule...hmmm,plus wif high level of english competency,mane nak lawan?so,dorg keep asking loads of questions,high lvl question smpi tkial2 lect nk jwb...even sumtimes i think jwpnnye kurg 4 da gals,it`s great dat dey asking question tp jgn la smpi lead u away from akidah as d rezot of unsolved question...ponat jgk jd lect ni eh...d other day dorg debate bout poligami,today about apostle if i`m not mistaken...quite a lot of issues jgk 4 local,we remain in silent...huhuuhu..i felt like lemas la..wanna become xtif in klas but dunno how...minds juz empty...lbh mudah trime bulat2 ape yg diajar......ok

kelas arab~
my fevret clas...not realy...klas ini adalah hari2..4.ari...agak x larat...blaja dgn lect from jordan...blaja basic arab..1st level...juz de kind anda blaja di tadika n skola rendah tp agk standard..agk pelek yg ak x rase mcm nk ponteng any of his class.x mcm klas2 lain...kne beli bku hage classmate hv like 3 forener frm sri lanka,guinea n like 10 org but rite now only like 7 who always come..oooo sesak rasenye memikirkn ade lg 5 level utk dikabihkan...1 level 1 sem...meaning 3 taon ye kwn2,bru abis arabic klasnye...itulah nasib jika anda dibwah dept human today buat xcercise, fill in da blank dgn kaler or watsoever,then membaca,melakonkan conversation..ow,dat forener guy xdtg all girls...jd z shuai2 cat sgt..hehe...oh ya,rite b4 ustaz came in,pasang tlinga dgr org blakg bsmbang..hooo,des 1 bloody intrestg xtvt diz weekend...mendaki gunung di ulu langat...ade gunung ape kah kt sane...?all girls n cmpr wif othr fun is it sound...huuu..but it`s oredi overlimit n hv to pay like 50 n 3, i might go to usm diz weekend...field trip..yeah...but not so konfem yet...huuuuuuu.....

3rd n final klas...diz klas agk heavy...xtualy meant 4 3rd yer studnt yg da byk pglaman idop..dimane 1st yer studnt dikhuatiri masih dangkal included...da lect.i think she`s a brilliant woman..received education sumwhere abroad...disyaki myb dibsrkn disane jgk..but overall she`s intresting..things she know impress me all da about angels,belief to d book n prophet...angel~could it be juz a metaphor?not rely a creature...agak bahaye utk org yg cetek ilmu agamenye..may lead to misleading klu x jage baik2..huuuuh..creepy...but a very intresting class..dats y i dun drop

dan jari-jemari da rase sakit menekan keyboad........

3.30 klas pon tamat... balik,guling2 ats katil jap...xboleh tido..nope,xdpt tido kul 3 ade date...hehehe..asar,mandi solat n heading to cafe untk table 4 two wif candlelite...n kerapu lagi..
date klu kite translate mmbwa mksd buah kurma...btol x..hahaha

xtually tolong my fren wif her asgnmt,political sc .....kuuukk..her bi isn`t so gud so harus mtk prtlgn dr ku...ape ayt skema+indon neh?ntah badan rase heavy je mcm minyak abis...hmmm,pose tlg de cr artikel2 bkaitan..i order nasi goreng usa today,yesterday n day b4....sedap~~4 1\2 star...heeee..n sum side dish,yong taufu...geeeee...7pm,blk bilik dan trdpt suatu keadaan mencurigakan....sum1 enter my room n memakan limau kecik pmbrian seseorg n plg tdk dpt dmaafkn,my precious muffin...huuuuuuuuu..x jamah lg da ade org rasmi...mmg neuk pnye prime suspek ialah golongan monyet sbb depa sering kuar outing berjemaah ptg2 bgini..klu ak dpt monyet yg stole my muffins~~biarlah rhsia ape akn tjadi...hehe.....big deal la lyn,it`s only muffins...hoooo..then my akk rumate told dat she`s not going to usm..along wif her other frenz...adoooi,t nk jln dgn sape ni?suratan takdirkah?kejam......sadis....etc.....again,big deal lyn....let it be..

tonite...suppose to be ade table mcm mandang je...i dun feel so xcited anymore bout da frenz...xkan nk jln sorg2 cam lalok kot...bdn pon trase penat neh...juz now dgr org knock2 on da door...ttbe tsembul mak guard ngan sorg neh..SPOT CEK..damn,x smpt nk sorok pape yg rupe bknlah mcm spotcek pon...bilik pon x msk..lepak kt hall tuje..apekah?tp sib baik lar....kne kompaun mkn megi la jwbnye...

orait,udah capek ini badan..out 4 now..daaaa


Friday, December 25, 2009


All things in life start small and then grow bigger: humans, animals, projects, movements — everything. Everything except calamities, which start big and then grow smaller. 
So be patient,
and know that things will get better; 
for with every difficulty comes ease, 
with every difficulty comes ease…

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Friends will come and friends will go,
The seasons change and it will show,
I will age and so will you,
But our friendship stays, strong and true.

- Author Unknown -

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mission Accomplished...


So diz morning kutlihat awan berarak rendah menyelimuti bukit errrr...dunno da nama..huuu jahil sungguh. so dengan semangat yg waja, bersiap-siap untuk turun ke KL...Specifically Pertama Kompleks..iaitu dkt Sogo di Jalan TAR dkt msjd India dan sbg nye..
then my frenz text me dat she couldn`t join me..pretty upset wlupon xtually telah dijgka..nvrmind,
i`ve alredy made mental preparation,mind mapping n wutsoever prior dat nite klu trpkse go alone..n i`m rite...
coz sytelah bulatkan tekad kuatkan azam~sound weird je...ha

by hook or by crooook, diz journey must happen..

herefore,wlupon kesiangan sedikit dan terpakse qada` solat subuh..geee...lalainye diri ini...i took my shower,prayed,oh ya smpt jgk berface buuk skejap n iron bju..bile tibe mase,lgkh pon dibuka mnuju ke bus i walked down d stairs,sumthin catch my attention..aiseh ade muffin coklat...n a kitten on a box!!staring at me..i bought 2 pieces of muffin cost rm1.20 n mngalihkn phatian to dat kitten..darn cute kitty wif his pose on d box..seluk poket,ingat wanna take sum pics of d kucing...damn,henfon ttinggal..pnjat blk smpi tgkt 4...huh..buang karen...then i snapped few pics n mneruskn pjalanan yg msh jaoh..

it`s friday n rmi yg xde klas on friday so rmi amik ksmptn berfoya2 ke uptown,downtown..haha..but mostly, i took Metrobus no 91 route from-to UIA-CHOW KIT-KOTARAYA-PUDU-CM...duduk kat single seat...coz i`m alone..kang sape plak yg dok kt sblh kn...bahaye...
bus tsebut dipenuhi oleh studnt uia,mmg surveilliance di dstinasi brikotnye jgn harap nk dpt`s working day tp bus ni xpnah kurang i seat quietly smbil dgr mp3,mghayati scenery,mghafal jln2 so pasni blh drive sndri...cewah..impian je kot...mimpi la ak nk drive kt jln kl...*monolog dalaman*
it tooks like 30-40 minit nk smpi area tsebut...xtually i nvr jejak pon PK,juz other area..da smpi,trn bas n tkedek2 lintas jln mcm ayam...

mnurut info, tmpt juai hp adelah kat 1st soon as i walked in uiiiisshh mmg bderet kdi2 or is it stall or byk yg x bkk lg..lantaran smngt bkobar2 dtg tlalu ade 1 kdi full wif girls,woman..head strait to dat shop..n ade sorg akk pki tdg yg in charge...i asked dat akk ttg hp yg bkenan sjk bzaman..da price almost as xpected jd tnpa mmbuang mase mmulekn urusan..i choose nokia 5730xm over xperia dowh...d akk stated d price n i`m ready to pay..then ttbe dtg amoi mrangkp bos neh dtg sound dat akk said dat itu adalah hage hp AP.akk ni pon tkebil2..sian seh ak tgk..klu byr krg x pasai2 gji akk tu kne potong..mlayu2 asyik jd kuli je..yg jd bos sndr plaki len hal plak peelnye..duuuuhhh..mmg bala....hasilnya hage tsebut naik skali gnda...huuuh...gile duit pnye truskan aje urusniage tsebut..i really hv bad lucks thru getting diz fon...n turns out it`s pretty big,bulky..u know PDA style..huhuhu..ungratefull pnye minah...

selesai urusan, i hv a quick stop at kfc...aisehmen, it still serve morning menu  n i`m craving 4 fried ciken..nsb bek ade jgk set fried ciken...jd la.rm8.60.dpt ciken wif oren juice..waaaat?...patot la murah..ahaha got diz indian manager yg aaaauuuuu n dgn fasih ckp mlayu...kinda funny..ha..slesai bli i head to`s hujan renyai2 smpi la i arrived at uia..

spend my evening watching u tube...gosh i`m such full wif resourses,new nk jd la...always ade idea nk tgk ape..terkini addicted to Whose Line Is it Anyway.. improvisation comedy..real great+funny..hoh..will it ever gonna stop..?i shud study bkn tgk u tube...aiiisssh..spend aroun 5 hours a day online..duuh..parah la ko ni Lyn oiii.. hmmm, stop here..rasenye takde anything yg menarik tertarik tonite...i think cafe ttp...sotong betol...huh..gonna check on it..xpon plg kurang get my self  some icecream~~~lololloool

out for now...salam.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A time to mumble...

1st timer blogger..
wonder will i ever be an awesome blogger cam blogger boy...hehe
dream on Lyn..,juz keep dreaming...haha
esk ingat nk pg pertama kompleks...beli handset baru...ngeee
nokia 5730xm or xperia x1..?
abused of PTPTN..
Report anyone...?
wat de hesk money..hahaha
well,dat nokia wud be owesem coz it`s symbian 60~~
dat xperia use window mobile~basically boring n stereotype.....
but it has wide screen dowh..n longer battery lifespan.....
i always do dat...
think too much..
try too hard...
hope so much...
juz dreaming all da time..
typical me...
a boring...lonely...grief....
wat de heck i`m babbling ni~~
hmmmm...not 1 of my sunny day..
a bit down today...even skipped a class..
bagus la tu lyn...len kali do it again.....then love letter pon sampai...
straight to ur mom dad..but i bet dey won`t say a word laaa..
ok,myb juz a little..hoho..
watching whose line is anyway...
wanna LMAO..ROFL...
Btw,i missed sea games diz yer....
but Malaysia mmg boleh,tetap boleh...boleh boleh...
proud to be malaysian..
lantak la ape org luar nak kate ttg malaysian...
i am darn lucky to be malaysia