Tuesday, December 29, 2009

juz another day.........

assalamualaikum w.b.t.
salam 1 malaysia
berita RTM...huuahaahaah *kerapu kejap*

my day...today,not so much things hapen...xde pape yg menarik beno nak dikongsi...berikut adalah rentetan aktiviti aku utk arini


harap mklum sy puase arini...ganti ke sunat?ooopps victoria`s secret..haha..so pas siap2 memulekan lgkah ke kelas..klas kat mane,kt IRK L5..klas ape?Revelations as the source of k/ldge aka RASOK..wat a beatiful name...hihik...so agk tlewat maka mlangkah dgn derasnye..smpi2 rupenye klas still bkunci...huuuh,buang karen je jln laju2..then mamat ni dgn baiknye took d key n unlock da class..then lect2 pon join kami tkedek2 msk klas..well,today we learn..errrmm..frankly,i dun get anythg..diz subject require us to think n i`m pretty darn suck at thinking..much better wif objctive n facts..so,i sat at d back,far back behind a female forener...bkn nk kutuk but she`s kinda tall,blocking my view kat skrin..dala cek ni pendek..ish2..pastu.dtg plak minah 3 org ni...kinda late la..so dorg dok kt blakg..near me..1 forener obvious;y becoz she`s a black woman~no offence...d othr 2 org x sure r..sorg tu mcm local tp cam pretend jd intrntional gamaknya..sukati ko la labu...3 of dem...annoys me lor...bising tol..mngekek2 giggle..dat black lady..hmm purfect bi,cm slang US..but not sure lah..wth je..so dorg ni bising,cam ngutuk2 sikit my dearest lect..local man obviously dr klantan..bi not so power tp ok la..not to mntion udah bgelar dokter..dun play2 si..wat de neuk wif diz gal..la a`rifu..diz gals,forener dlm klas amatlah aktif dikomparekan dgn local students...perhaps becoz mreka mmg diprovoke utk bfikir sjk dr mule...hmmm,plus wif high level of english competency,mane nak lawan?so,dorg keep asking loads of questions,high lvl question smpi tkial2 lect nk jwb...even sumtimes i think jwpnnye kurg memuaskn...as 4 da gals,it`s great dat dey asking question tp jgn la smpi lead u away from akidah as d rezot of unsolved question...ponat jgk jd lect ni eh...d other day dorg debate bout poligami,today about apostle if i`m not mistaken...quite a lot of issues jgk la...as 4 local,we remain in silent...huhuuhu..i felt like lemas la..wanna become xtif in klas but dunno how...minds juz empty...lbh mudah trime bulat2 ape yg diajar......ok

kelas arab~
my fevret clas...not realy...klas ini adalah hari2..4.ari...agak x larat...blaja dgn lect from jordan...blaja basic arab..1st level...juz de kind anda blaja di tadika n skola rendah tp agk standard..agk pelek yg ak x rase mcm nk ponteng any of his class.x mcm klas2 lain...kne beli bku hage rm25..huh...my classmate hv like 3 forener frm sri lanka,guinea n indon..total like 10 org but rite now only like 7 who always come..oooo sesak rasenye memikirkn ade lg 5 level utk dikabihkan...1 level 1 sem...meaning 3 taon ye kwn2,bru abis arabic klasnye...itulah nasib jika anda dibwah dept human science..loooo...so today buat xcercise, fill in da blank dgn kaler or watsoever,then membaca,melakonkan conversation..ow,dat forener guy xdtg today..so all girls...jd z shuai2 cat sgt..hehe...oh ya,rite b4 ustaz came in,pasang tlinga dgr org blakg bsmbang..hooo,des 1 bloody intrestg xtvt diz weekend...mendaki gunung di ulu langat...ade gunung ape kah kt sane...?all girls n cmpr wif othr uni...how fun is it sound...huuu..but it`s oredi overlimit n hv to pay like 50 n 3 days..plus, i might go to usm diz weekend...field trip..yeah...but not so konfem yet...huuuuuuu.....

3rd n final klas...diz klas agk heavy...xtualy meant 4 3rd yer studnt yg da byk pglaman idop..dimane 1st yer studnt dikhuatiri masih dangkal pmikirannye..ahaha..me included...da lect.i think she`s a brilliant woman..received education sumwhere abroad...disyaki myb dibsrkn disane jgk..but overall she`s intresting..things she know impress me all da way..talk about angels,belief to d book n prophet...angel~could it be juz a metaphor?not rely a creature...agak bahaye utk org yg cetek ilmu agamenye..may lead to misleading klu x jage baik2..huuuuh..creepy...but a very intresting class..dats y i dun drop it...lol

dan jari-jemari da rase sakit menekan keyboad........

3.30 klas pon tamat... balik,guling2 ats katil jap...xboleh tido..nope,xdpt tido kul 3 ade date...hehehe..asar,mandi solat n heading to cafe untk table 4 two wif candlelite...n kerapu lagi..
date klu kite translate mmbwa mksd buah kurma...btol x..hahaha

xtually tolong my fren wif her asgnmt,political sc .....kuuukk..her bi isn`t so gud so harus mtk prtlgn dr ku...ape ayt skema+indon neh?ntah badan rase heavy je mcm minyak abis...hmmm,pose rupenye...so tlg de cr artikel2 bkaitan..i order nasi goreng usa today,yesterday n day b4....sedap~~4 1\2 star...heeee..n sum side dish,yong taufu...geeeee...7pm,blk bilik dan trdpt suatu keadaan mencurigakan....sum1 enter my room n memakan limau kecik pmbrian seseorg n plg tdk dpt dmaafkn,my precious muffin...huuuuuuuuu..x jamah lg da ade org rasmi...mmg neuk pnye mnatang...my prime suspek ialah golongan monyet sbb depa sering kuar outing berjemaah ptg2 bgini..klu ak dpt monyet yg stole my muffins~~biarlah rhsia ape akn tjadi...hehe.....big deal la lyn,it`s only muffins...hoooo..then my akk rumate told dat she`s not going to usm..along wif her other frenz...adoooi,t nk jln dgn sape ni?suratan takdirkah?kejam......sadis....etc.....again,big deal lyn....let it be..

tonite...suppose to be ade table talk...tp mcm mandang je...i dun feel so xcited anymore bout da trip...no frenz...xkan nk jln sorg2 cam lalok kot...bdn pon trase penat neh...juz now dgr org knock2 on da door...ttbe tsembul mak guard ngan sorg neh..SPOT CEK..damn,x smpt nk sorok pape yg patot..tp rupe bknlah mcm spotcek pon...bilik pon x msk..lepak kt hall tuje..apekah?tp sib baik lar....kne kompaun mkn megi la jwbnye...

orait,udah capek ini badan..out 4 now..daaaa
