Wednesday, December 30, 2009

political science class........


asal pegi klas poli je,mst rase nak tulis blog...hahahaee...satu-satunye kelas HS tunggal dan terakhir for subjek intro...memegang title compulsory...  klu xde title tu,mintak mahap la nak amik...politik...hmmm,not rely my fevret...sory tiniey,belle...hehe... poli class adalah setiap ari isnin and rabu pukul 3.30-5 sbb my lect mmg gemar amik xtra time...dan sy rase agak mnyampah disitu...everytime kene ryshing from IRK building to EDU yg jaraknye kinda far jgk slalu msk klas agk lewat 5minit..sbb tula de rase halal je wat xtra 10 minit tu...huuh...

n d other day, monday la..nak cerite ni,i hv sorg minah nye pon dkt2 same wif my name...juz tukar L jd R..oki..hehee...same klas irk wif me...n other 2 klass...but we nvr xtually talk...i think she`s my junior mcm  matured,.juz after irk klas slalu kuar awal dan memecut ke kls poli rite b4 me along wif diz sorg terkial-kial  ak cek bjalan ke kls poli tesebut...but most of da time,i arrived first b4 diz two....hahahahah*tertawa kebanggaan*WHY?becoz i`ve think of a route...a shortcut so dpt save mase...i hate to be late...huuu...agk jenoh jgk la memikirkan route yg took xtra effort to think bout it u,,mlihatkan keadaan itu,minah ni x dpt brtahan lg..make one day she asked me....sis,u ikot mane slalu cpt smpi...hahahahahaahh*tertawa bgga ke2*..then i xplained to her da route...x kesah pon..bgge lg pas xplain pon de mcm konpius+blur...ha pape jela..but she said nothing then..perlu diingt bhw she`s myb my jr. make blom arif wif simpang siur here at iiu dimane sy sdg cube mnguasai stiap shotcut yg blh tercipta..building disini adalah saling connected mcm underground tunnel..kgkdg x pyh bwk payong pon korg blh slamat frm getting tgk building jgk la oki... poli klas nk dibuat crite diz minak pon like pandang2 kt ak..ade hutang ke kak?hehe..i know her intention make me juz tsenyum kmbing..sepertinye de nak say sumthin to me,but she didn`t..then sum1 tegor de n she stop so i juz move on...suddenly i heard her voice semi-whisper ikot dia2...ok...hmmmmmmm....follow me then...i walked slowly dr usual...mcm stengah menghalalkn pbuatan mreka x spenohnye rela..anda harus paham konsepnye disitu ok...rela tapi x rela..=D...apekah?so as we almost arrived i heard she said to her fren..."ko ingt jln ok...."ooooohhhhh...i shud hv send dat route jd harta intelek n get paten....i feel like kinda x sronok la since dorg da taw my secret route..yakni nex time bakalan kne tggl dgn dorg...datang lmbt...*menyampah*..n d ader reason coz dorg like x mtk izin to follow me...wat de neuk la...if dey did asked me to show dem da route,i`ll be more than glad to show dem...bgga le jgk kan.  but since dey kinda like i dunno pirate cetak rompak my route..ok not my route la.uia agak tkilan disitu...big deal lyn...small matter pon nak kecoh...isk3....oh manusia~

Let me talk a lil bout my poli lect..his name is Adams Osiaka Abiodun from Nigeria....n today de pakai blue stripped shirt wif flowery tie..wth?nsb bek match..hihihi...n yes he`s pak itam n baldy...any1 intrested?,black is beautiful bak kate ex miss slang,oh my lord plez hv sum mercy..hooo..dahsyat amat..keep using vocal O,A, pronunciation jd so diffren la...`st day class wif no slide,my jaw dropped dek krane terpesona dgn slang nyer..hehehehe..spatah haram pon xpahem..ok nmpk sgt mnipu..paham sikit2 i suspek  he still study kot  ..coz xde ofis sndri n pki stdnt pnye matrik kad..mgkinkah ade yg lucky dpt blaja sklas dgn lect.hoo meraban je..nex eviden de masih digelar bro time mass gath...he`s kinda ok lar in terms of knowldge..his teaching skill..?masih perlu diblasah..i mean diasah..~de slalu xplain used things dat hapen worldwide make kami yg jahil ni gagal memberikan feedback yg bgs..sering kali bdiam diri mcm bendul n biar plaja mendominate diskusi=debat.....sbnarnye our klas supposed to be dgn local lect tp malangnye ditukar plak..hmmm udah nasib badan...

mreka agk dasyat..agak ramai mrupekan advance speaker in english...bckp bi wif slang n smooth flow...gosh sgt jeles diri ini...even sum of dem r locals...hmmm...n des diz 1 grup of ferener+local de 1 yg slalu dominate klas wif question..leader adelah sorg minah ni come sumwhere from europe but not scandavania country..mybe frm dutch kot...her name,amina..dat y i kol minah..haha...obviously de mmg mmpnyai wide range of tipikal forener,ade byk soklan n statemnt utk diutarekan...mmg x blh lwn..othr coutry in dat class like vietnam,thai,mldives,iran,dutch,sri lanka etc...frankly,kdg2 rase lemas mlihat keaktifan mreka,level of thinking n so on..apesal manusia klu nk compare diri smede dgn yg plg terok so rase superior xpon dgn yg plg bgs...wat 4...?huhuhuhuh...klu la dgn komplen,mngomel2 dpt slesaikan msalah kn bgs..mke akn bglimpgn msyrkt yg x buat krja lain slain mengomen2 n hidup bukan angan2 ok...let`s move on...

ahha~about to blow out my own personal yg best dat class ade sorg mamat ni...mat saleh la sng cite...but he`s a dutch 4 exact.....n slalu kwn dgn si minah td..jeles seh..kakakka..i dunno his name..huhuhu..but i always look at him,jeling2 intai2...why?am i in la..juz suke nk pndg2...ingt one day nk bring my othr fon n snap his pic...dr jaoh la...hik3...dpt sparoh pon jd basically he`s my crush..for now x segile a few yers back wif my 1st eva class,,mase secondary skoooll..oooo dat 1 i`m so in love noo noo in crush wif him...evrythg he do evrywhere he go my eyes not me ok will follow funny mengenang nostalgia it`s been a while since i hv crushed on sumbody...for real..i think i saw him diz morning mkn sorg..awww teddy judging from his look nmpk cam lonely n doesn`t fit in...y my dear?ow poor boy.......let me ease ur pain.... hik2..ya rabbi miangnye lyn zawawi..hohohoho~but i`ll keep watching him for d rest of diz sem...hahaahahah <3

i HATE it??tp x kire btape bencinye anda pd this won`t go away..mcm lintah yg mlekat smpi de puas isap darah free?hmmmmm,analogi yg agak merapu isn`t,it`s a group asgmt coz lect mls nk mark solo asgmt..huhuh..bgs pon...our politics bckgroun btwn communist n islamic world..lbih kuang la..halal ak kne cri info bout comminist stelah di urge oleh pndgn maot group mmbr...hoho..i`l,l try my k..kudos lyn...hehe..pantang maot sblm ajal...agi idop agi grupmate.ade sorg local...she`s quite ok la...antra geng si minah yg mndominate klas itu...akk 2 org ni plak aiseh mmg terrer,not so much...writing je lbh..haha...sib bek x dpt grup 9..kmmm,coz it`s my teddy bear grup n dat gal yg copycat my sipi...neway..i`ll try my very best to complete d task..~~

rasenye da puas merapu pjg2 kat sini...nak mlantak mi bandung sambil tgk funniest home video...



Anonymous said...

Lin, who was your crush? You didn't tell me.

Chokyulin said...

awww org blakang rumah..ko...heheh

Anonymous said...

Such a well written post.. Thnkx for sharing this post!